Donate to Support QUCAA's Future

We are asking you, our small (yet tremendously talented), alumni community, to consider donating to QUCAA's operations so we can build a stable footing to serve your needs and keep you connected to the rest of  this group of brilliant, caring, hilarious, adventurous, intellectual, beautiful humans!

Thanks to our current donors, we are now able to do the following:

     1. Cover our annual operating costs e.g. nonprofit registration, website hosting, digital workspace and cloud storage,          etc.

     2. Pay back our early board members who paid for our operating costs over the past 4 years (thank you!).

Going forward, donations will be continue to sustain our operating costs and to work towards the following goals:

     1. Expand our programs, events and services furthere.g. reunions, retreats, book clubs, workshops, guest tutors, you           name it!

    2. Offer a small stipend to Board members $300/year each. More details below. To be approved at the AGM on Sun,           May 29, 2022.

Hire technical help. We hope to hire alumni! — e.g. web developers, graphic designers, legal help when needed, etc.

BONUS! Marjorie Wonham will match your donations 1:1 (doubled)!

Our ultimate goal is to raise CA$500/month from you for multiple projects that we've detailed below.100% of the money you donate below goes to QUCAA. There are no platform or transaction fees, just optional tipping. Though, your bank may charge you an international currency conversion fee.

Complete the form below now to become a monthly donor.

Read through until the end of this page for full details on who, what, where, why.

Goal 1: Basic Operations

This includes all the basic infrastructure and bureaucratic costs necessary for this organisation to continue existing.

TOTAL: $ 43.20/month

Goal 2: Paying back

Two alumni have personally covered our operations costs for 4 years. We think it's time to pay the back!

TOTAL: $ 87.12/month

Goal 3: Human Resources

This organisation has run on 100% volunteer sweat and laughter. In order to grow, we need to start compensating some of this work

TOTAL: $ 417/month